⏳🏆 The mighty Goddess can do better – Legend of Keepers
Who is the Best Dungeon Master? Yes, it’s the Goddess Tories. She is so my favorite *__* I want to go more with her. She has such a good Moral Build going, so let’s destroy the next Ascension!
👊⛰️ Enslave the Ascension – Legend of Keepers
👊⛰️Let’s try an Ascension with Maug the Slaveholder and his Hydra. Nice way of playing with Fear, Penalties, and Burn 😀 I really did enjoy this one.
🚅🛑 Unstoppable Goddess – Legend of Keepers
🚅🛑 Steamrolling through the next Ascension without problems 😀 That’s what i like to see. Toeris is totally my favorite way of playing Legend of Keepers at the moment 🤩
😇🦛 Stairway to godhood – Legend of Keepers – Return of the Goddess DLC
😇🦛 Lira is so hard to play… Lets switch to Toeris and bring here further up in her Ascension Mode! It will be a little harder than the first Ascension, but I think we have a good team.
👻👻 Spooky Spooky Ghosts – Legend of Keepers – Return of the Goddess DLC
👻👻 We’ll continue with Goddess Mission No. 4 and scare them all away! Lets go double exploding Ghosts 😀 I really like these Ghosts. That Scare attack is huge and finishing with an Explosion is always nice! 😀
💪🎉 Hard, harder, Bonus Round – Legend of Keepers – Return of the Goddess DLC
💪🎉 Extra Round on Stream! What do we do? We turn crazy and crank up all the difficulties 😀 How long will we survive? We will see!
☥🎃The might of a sarcophagus – Legend of Keepers – Return of the Goddess DLC
☥🎃Toeris the Goddess has a little helper. Its an animated powerful sarcophagus with huge powers. There is one version who grows stronger with each hit taken and its invincible for 3 turns. After than 💥 BAM big morale hits back!