🔎🍀 Is there hope…? – Othercide
So new strategy! We will try to stay together and go for more delay against the Suffering. Will this help? Let’s not lose hope…
🤨😲The Real Suffering! – Othercide
So the Suffering fight eh? It let’s me think about if its against your own suffering, because you have to suffer big if you wanna win this fight… Tips appreciated!
🤨😧Who will Suffering end? – Othercide
The Suffering is a tough nut to crack. It does not only teleport, it does also delay! So how can we catch the Suffering? Any tips on how to beat it?
🤕😱 Suffering never ends – Othercide
The child was used by the Nucleus which will give birth to the Suffering. Its a mighty and hard fight. Are we prepared to take it? We have to!
⚔️👶 Ending a suffering Child – Othercide
Next Era and the big boss is on the rise. The suffering child want’s to end our crusade once and for all. We don’t know what he is capable of, but we will kill… ehm… save him 😉
🤜👩 Down with the Maid – Othercide
We had a good look at the maid last episode, so this time we are putting her down! We are prepared and growing even stronger! There is only one way, and that way is forward!
🧜👩⚕️ Can we beat the Maid? – Othercide
So last episode we did not get to see the third boss, BUT this time! 😀 She is called the Maid and really has some nasty skills. It will be tough to explore those new mechanics. Any tips on how to beat her?
🤜😵 Get crushed! – Othercide
We are on a roll! Looks like our strategy is working and we are beating the bosses. But with each beaten boss the difficulty get’s harder and harder! Are we able to get to the next boss? Even beat her?
🤜👼 How to defeat the Deacon – Othercide
Whoa we just killed the Surgeon last episode! But now we are going straight to the second Boss! It’s the Deacon and we have to face completely different boss mechanics.
👨⚕️💀 Surgeon’s last Operation – Othercide
So now we know that Resurrection do not carry over, BUT if we resurrect a daughter then they keep their traits! Looks like it could be a good strategy to focus on a single Daughter and level her up as much as possible?