🏆👏 Best Card Game 2022 – How to unlock Ottis – Across the Obelisk

We are starting a brand new playthrough+ This time with Across the Obelisk. A just released Roguelite Card Game with Party Building Elements. It is definitely one of the best games I’ve played this year, maybe even the best Card Game this year! The story is about a lost princess and lord and an activated obelisk acting as a teleporter. No one has returned while trying to find them, but we are gonna be the team that will succeed! So let us go on our first journey :3

Dicey Dungeons – Review

Welcome to another small jewel that you might have overlooked! It’s Dicey Dungeons! Dicey Dungeons is about the Exploitation of your deepest desires. If you wish too strong, then Lady Luck will come and pull you into her infinite dungeon. She’ll hold your deepest desire dangling before you, but in order to get this price you have to win and succeed on spinning the wheel of fate. Are you going to be strong enough to push through increasing difficulties to win your hearts desire? Then this easy to learn roguelike rpg turn-based jewel is for you.