The unfixable End – Factorio RailWorld
We are annoyed by many many biters… I think we expanded to fast with robots, so that means we used way to much ressources in order to get the factory running. Lets say its not working…
Slow but steady rebuilding – Factorio RailWorld
After designing some new train stuff, lets try to implement that. Maybe there are some small quirks 😀 lets fix those too!
Designing Sessions with 1 and 4 Trains – Factorio RailWorld
Today I wanted to do some designing to switch von 1:8 trains to 1:4 trains. So lets rebuild our blueprints:
* Loading / Unloadingstations
* Productionstations
* Starter Block
Big Base Fixing – Factorio RailWorld
We currently have so many problems in our factory. Power, Biters and not enough Production. Lets get on and start fixing things!
Red and Green Science on Rails – Factorio RailWorld
After some major power problems we finally can start to put some Science on our Railnetwork. We still need 2 more, but that will come soon and with the upcoming Logistic Chests everything will be easier for our Construction Robots.
Let’s rebuild our Smelter and connect that to our Rail network – Factorio RailWorld
We need so many stuff in order to expand more. So first thing would be to increase our smelting. BUT that might cause other problems, also could these biters please stop attacking?!?!