⛏️🧊 Hard as Ice – Ring of Pain
Hey finally a Freeze Build 😀 we can Freeze on Parry, Freeze every 4th Attack and get +4 Damage. Nice! Will it be enough to win against Hard Mode? If we find other good stuff that can add to this, then yes!
🤺😥 First Try Ladder streaking fail – Tainted Grail: Conquest
🤺😥 So we go ladder streaking but are stupid. How are we stupid? By going to the Highscore Boss! Why? Why did I thought that was a good idea? I don’t know.
Stun Wyrdhunter Endless Power Run – Tainted Grail: Conquest
New Patch new Game Modes! We are going for the Endless Power one with the Wyrdhunter. Lets roll with some Stun!