💪🎯 Power Boomerang – Slay the Spire
Hey, If games give you the Strength and Multistrike Stuff you have to go for it 😀 But I’m feeling a little bit like a glass cannon… mhm? Ah does not matter! Let’s go! 😀
💯🗡️ Perfected Strike and Ironclad win – Slay the Spire
After experiencing Slay the Spire for the first time, lets go to another Run. This time “Perfected Strike” presents itself to us. Perfected Strike gets more powerful the more cards with the name “Strike” within we have. Add a Pen-Nib for double damage and Double Tap and Woosh! Bam! 😀
🤑🗡️ The greedy Ironclad – Slay the Spire
We are starting a new playthrough with a great roguelike! The game is called Slay the Spire. With 1 of 4 classes you push through multiple randomized trees of choices. We are going to fight monsters, collect artifacts and go through interesting and ridiculous events 😀 In the first episode we start with a Run on the Ironclad. Each class has its specific decks and different mechanics. Lets see if we can win our first run.