🧑⚖️ Let’s try Ladderstreaking – Legend of Keepers
🧑⚖️We are starting with a Ladderstreak. We start with Maug and the lowest Ascension. Let’s see how far we can take this.
🥶❄️ Power of Ice – Legend of Keepers – Return of the Goddess DLC
🥶❄️ So we can turn our Monster after an Attack into a Treant, but is that good? Do the Enchanted Seeds need some Talent Points first to make them better? Let’s give them a try!
🌳👩⚖️ Are Treants good? – Legend of Keepers – Return of the Goddess DLC
🌳👩⚖️ So we can turn our Monster after an Attack into a Treant, but is that good? Do the Enchanted Seeds need some Talent Points first to make them better? Let’s give them a try!