🔫🤖 Orbital beam against Mechanoids – RimWorld – Sickly Only Challenge
So we got this Orbital Beam hanging around in our base. And now a psychic ship dropped on us. I wonder if that Orbital Beam will help?! Let’s find out!
💱💰Traders saved our Base – RimWorld – Sickly Only Challenge
We are running out of components… again… BUT there are nice people in this world, who would like to trade with us ♥ Gotta love those people and lurker 😉
👥🐆 Double Manhunter – RimWorld – Sickly Only Challenge
In this Episode we are the hunted. We have to face 2 Manhunter Packs at the same time. We are still understaffed. Hopefully we can find a way to survive and finally convert Rob 😀
🧚🖖 Rob with the Magic Hands – RimWorld – Sickly Only Challenge
In this Episode we finally find another Colonist that can be useful. And we also happen to get a “Field Hand”. It’s an Item that boost field work *__* That makes him even better. Now we just need to convert him to our Ideology and we can boost his Plant Work and Cut even further!
🥙🥀 Out of Food again… – RimWorld – Sickly Only Challenge
Growing is really short on a Boreal Forest, so we did not get enough food out of one Season. Is this a problem? Yes, because we still are not allowed to hunt! So how to we not starve? Good questions! Lets see…
🛢️♻️ Selfsufficient Chemfuel with Hydroponics – RimWorld – Sickly Only Challenge
Solar will not keep us running forever, so we decided to go Hydroponics and Chemfuel for our Power need. 3-4 Chemfuel Reactors, 1 Solar Lamp, and a good amount of Hydroponics should keep this running. We just need the manpower to handle all the work. As a bonus, we get some food and some energy surplus. It’s a win-win!
🌲👨🌾️ You can replant Trees?! – RimWorld – Sickly Only Challenge
Our Ideology forbids us of destroying tree. Or rather it just penalized it with a mood debuff. But I’m keeping that serious! So its a great thing that now I know that we can replant trees 😊I really would like to mass selection tool for replanting but its a good development! Now i can make space for field and buildings!