🔨👨🏭️ Can an Engi build a Ladder – Legend of Keepers
Lira is always a hard Dungeon Master to play. But looks like she might be able to build a ladder too. Especially if we get some help from a Jubokko and go Moral.
🌳🔥 Let’s not burn Sarel – Legend of Keepers – Return of the Goddess DLC
🌳🔥 Sarel the Enchantress looks pretty flammable, so I’m a little bit afraid of going Burn with her 😀 So let us be careful and burn only the enemies… ok?
🦛😱 The Goddess path to happiness – Legend of Keepers – Return of the Goddess DLC
🦛😱 The new Return of the Goddess DLC has been released. So lets take a look at our new Dungeon Master the GODDESS TOERIS! A mighty hippo with new mechanics like Wraps and main focus on morale. Lets scare them all!