🏆👏 Best Card Game 2022 – How to unlock Ottis – Across the Obelisk

We are starting a brand new playthrough+ This time with Across the Obelisk. A just released Roguelite Card Game with Party Building Elements. It is definitely one of the best games I’ve played this year, maybe even the best Card Game this year! The story is about a lost princess and lord and an activated obelisk acting as a teleporter. No one has returned while trying to find them, but we are gonna be the team that will succeed! So let us go on our first journey :3

Banners of Ruin – Review

Banners of Ruin is a roguelike deck builder, and you must now infiltrate their defenses of House Ender and get rid of them. To do that, you will need to build a deck with a maximum of six cards, and you have the freedom to get creative with your build. You have to defeat every elite opponent that stands in your way so that you can reach the city’s guard captain and deal with the Enders. During your journey, you might come across different scenarios and encounters that can help you, but at a cost.

Othercide – Review

You will have to lead this army of Daughters and choose their actions carefully, as not only are their fates in your hands, but your actions will also shape their skills and personalities. And at certain times, you will need to make tough decisions, as in order to heal them, one will have to give their life as a sacrifice, but that will make the one who survived even stronger.