Across the Obelisk – Decks
Warriors Magnus Defense Energy: 3 per Turn + Defense Mastery + 2 Bloodrage Vanish Pile: CountNameCostShardsEffect1Captains Howl00AOE 1 Slow + 2 Vulnerable1Engage00Draw 1 + 2...
How to Infinite Mana Exploit – Hero’s Hour
I just stumbled on this on our recent Twitch Stream so it can still be optimized to be even more broken. So what is happening? We have ~700 Mana… always… for every fight… forever 😀 No units needed, no artifacts, nothing really special. So what can you do with this? How about making the game break and stutter with the amount of Elementals you can summon? Just bonkers 😀
How to Lionin – Pillar – Hardcore+ – Hero’s Hour
Welcome to the second Hardcore+ Hero’s Hour Guide with Pillars Lionin. Lionin’s Talentree looks like we would like to concentrate on getting some Blood Dragons going. So we are getting make use of Union, Legion and Combat to not lose units and use our Experience gain to get some Red Dragons with Dragonking 😉
How to Lanzo – Order – Hardcore+ – Hero’s Hour
It is the start of our HowTo Play Series for Hero’s Hour. Don’t worry we will still check out all the other Factions. But I wanna play more off stream 😉 Today we will start with Lanzo from the Order Faction. Our main strategy will be to go Bloodwarping. This Talent will transform our small units into more powerful ones. To support this we will increase Rallying and Mastery.
Hero’s Hour – Review
Hero’s Hour is an Hommage to Heroes of Might and Magic but as an Auto-Battler 😉 I played HOMM3 for hours with a friend and it was great! So with Hero’s Hour you choose a faction, build up your city, recruit units and go conquer the world with your heroes. Battles will happen automatically. You can still order a bit and cast magic. Just played a small test to check it out, now I already have 3 runs done. It is that good!
Vampire Survivors – Review
Vampire Survivors is an upcoming time-survival bullet-hell roguelike RPG 😀 That’s a description we all like! Let’s wreck all the enemies, collect more weapons, upgrade them and then get super weapons to mow them down even faster! But at the end of all, Death awaits. But hey then you can start again 😉
Dicey Dungeons – Review
Welcome to another small jewel that you might have overlooked! It’s Dicey Dungeons! Dicey Dungeons is about the Exploitation of your deepest desires. If you wish too strong, then Lady Luck will come and pull you into her infinite dungeon. She’ll hold your deepest desire dangling before you, but in order to get this price you have to win and succeed on spinning the wheel of fate. Are you going to be strong enough to push through increasing difficulties to win your hearts desire? Then this easy to learn roguelike rpg turn-based jewel is for you.
Nova Drift – Review
Nova Drift is an action roguelike in space. Try thinking about Space Invaders, but modern with more ships, weapons, shield and way more enemies to fight. As of writing its still in early access, but it is steadily going to be one of my favorites. You start with base ship then for the first levels you choose a weapon, shield and body. With your base build starting you’ll now get upgrades to boost you further and further. How far can you reach into space?
Banners of Ruin – Review
Banners of Ruin is a roguelike deck builder, and you must now infiltrate their defenses of House Ender and get rid of them. To do that, you will need to build a deck with a maximum of six cards, and you have the freedom to get creative with your build. You have to defeat every elite opponent that stands in your way so that you can reach the city’s guard captain and deal with the Enders. During your journey, you might come across different scenarios and encounters that can help you, but at a cost.
Dice Legacy – Review
Hello everyone, and welcome to another game review! Today, we will talk about a super fun game, Dice Legacy. Dice Legacy is a roguelike city builder, and the dice will decide every action you take. So hopefully, you will be lucky, and the die will help you gather resources, expand your borders, and explore the world around you. It also seems like a unique and fun game, as the die roll will decide your faith. I love these games, and Dice Legacy won some awards, so I was interested in checking it out.